Slimfast products are packed with sugar.

June 7, 2009

Don’t be fooled by the product name or the advertising this company puts out.  Instead, read the label on the packages; and you will find out that the main ingredient in most Slimfast products is sugar.  Product ingredients are required to be listed on all foods in the order of which ingredient is the most by volume.   Sugar is full of calories, promotes obesity, and can cause tooth decay and diabetes.  The less sugar you consume, the healthier you will be.   People who have claimed to have lost weight on this plan ate small quantities of anything else and small quantities of Slimfast.  The same result could be produced by a candy bar diet, if you ate small quantities of candy bars and everything else.  It is a rare person who could stick to such a plan for very long.  This line of sugar-packed products simply does not do what it claims to do.